Welcome to EVOLO

Recovery coaching and EVOLO services are specially designed for people with an eating disorder. EVOLO aims to help people and their support team understand behaviours, urges and triggers for listening to the ED when they arise in everyday life.

Our approach

EVOLO uses evidence based treatment and a holistic approach to recovery.

At EVOLO, clients work with a coach who has both qualifications, and lived experience with recovering from a prolonged ED. The coach understands the unique experiences of ED’s, no matter how weird, unpredictable or aggressive symptoms can be. Success with EVOLO depends on action and commitment from all involved, to making small changes and working side-by-side with the coach. The coach will provide the resources to help make sense of the ED, and create daily and weekly plans for new actions. Exploring possibilities and taking on bite-sized challenges are all a part of the EVOLO approach to recovery.

I offer a free 30-minute video discovery call so that we can determine if working together would be a good fit!

Connect with me to schedule this. I would love to hear from you.

Recovery Coaching?

While therapists work to diagnose eating disorders and treat their underlying causes, eating disorder recovery coaches help accomplish day-to-day behavioural changes to support  recovery.


Collaboration is key for a successful recovery.
This means that a Coach will work alongside the person, the family and the support team.

The EVOLO Coach understands from personal experience and through listening to the experiences of others, that eating disorders don’t set hours or have boundaries. This means a lot of the demanding work in recovery happens outside of therapy sessions. One of the key benefits of having a Recovery Coach is that they are available to provide support in between treatment sessions and outside of hours.

The Coach will be there to help quieten the voice and take away some of the inner arguments.

The Coach will assist  in making choices that align with positive health goals and freedom from the ED. The coach will relentlessly fight the ED alongside the team.

A person does not need to have a diagnosed eating disorder to receive help. Early intervention is key.

A Coach can still help. Reach out to EVOLO today to get the help from a coach and become from of the ED. 
