Our services

Evolution Recovery Program

Evolution is a 12-week coaching and activity program for people with an eating disorder This program aims to help people understand behaviours, urges and triggers for listening to the ED as they arise in everyday life. The program uses evidence-based treatment and a holistic approach to recovery.  It does not replace the need for a Psychologist and Dietitian.

EVOLO Recovery Coaching:
1 on 1 coaching: Session by session approach

  • Making sense of recovery from a scientific perspective

  • Graded exposure techniques to increase food variety

  • Thought management and coping skills

  • Mindfulness and self-regulation

  • Stress management

  • Understanding triggers and beliefs

  • Values, habits and goal setting

  • Nutrition for recovery

  • Relapse management

  • Body acceptance and appreciation


  • Individualised program

    Person-centered and  collaborative approach to care

    Video or face-to face coaching with an Allied professional with lived experience

    Validated outcome measures of eating disorder behaviour change

    No waiting list to start program

    Virtual delivery suitable for regional and remote workers

  • Knowledge and understanding of ED behaviours and thoughts with the ability to recognise when they are at play

    Develop a number of strategies to cope with the discomfort of recovery

    Develop the ability to choose food and exercise options that promote health and growth

    Decrease anger and anxiety outbursts

    Re-engagement with social activities

    Increase compliance with medical and other allied health appointments

    Maintenance or gaining weight towards a healthy BMI

    Develop long-term progress towards recovery and reduced risk of relapse

Evolo Strong Body , Strong mind training.

  • Exercise and movement education from an Exercise physiologist and performance coach

  • Growth mindset (physical and mental)

  • Safe exercise prescription to promote eating disorder recovery

  • Body acceptance and appreciation

  • Stress management

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.